Get Fresh with Jenn at Pet Grocer
Tune in to get fresh with Jenn at Pet Grocer! Jenn talks about fresh foods for pets, holistic wellness for pets and more. See the blog posts at www.petgrocer.ca.
Get Fresh with Jenn at Pet Grocer
Essential Oils & Your Pet
The use of essential oils can be dated back to roughly 4500 BC and they are one of the most well researched and scientifically documented healing modalities. These concentrated compounds of plants are made by steaming or pressing various parts of a plant (flowers, bark, leaves, seeds, peel or fruit) to capture the compounds and there is so much more to them than just a nice scent. Listen in and learn how essentials oils can be used safely for your pets.
You can view our references and read about Essential Oils and Your Pet on our blog - Click HERE
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**The content in this podcast is not meant to replace veterinary advice. Always consult your holistic veterinarian prior to using any recommended items or supplements.**